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8 March 2021: Launch of the FICRI Feminist Integral Center for Research & Innovation in Jordan

On International Women's Day, we launched in Jordan the FICRI Center for Feminist Research & Studies. Spearheaded by Mayyada Abu Jaber, CEO of JoWomenomics, and her team. FICRI aims to be a Transformation Center for a Feminist Economy in Jordan and the Arab World.

FICRI, which stands for Feminist Integral Center for Research and Innovation, works actively with TRANS4M's approach to Integral Development. We are proud of FICRI's launch and the cooperation with TRANS4M Academy for Integral Transformation and Home for Humanity. We share FICRI’s objective to bring about a radical transformation of the current mainstream economic framework towards a more inclusive, just, gender-balanced and life-affirming approach to economy and society.

This event was crafted in truly integral standard – including a transformational, transdisciplinary, transcultural and transpersonal perspective.

The event also featured Home for Humanity’s Unity Circle member H.E. Haifa Najjar, Senator in the Upper House of Jordan and Superintendent of our integral partner organisation, the combined Ahliyyah School for Girls and the Bishop’s School for Boys.

Home for Humanity’s Co-Founder Alexander Schieffer delivered the keynote of the event focusing on Integral Development: A Global Perspective.

Mabrouk to Mayyada Abu Jaber and the team of FICRI!

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