A collective future-building expedition to all countries on Earth
to transform our divided world into a united home for humanity
and the diversity of life on our Home Planet.
Together, as humanity in unity, we can co-create Home on Earth

to voyage to every country on Earth, our One Home,
connecting Earth Citizens, home-to-home, across continents.
for a Learning and Co-Creation Journey in each society
to build a regenerative and inclusive future,
personally, locally and globally
for the next

A journey of honouring, listening, restoring and re-story-ing.
A journey of healing, uniting and co-creating.
A journey that manifests our highest dreams.
A journey to build on the gifts and wisdom of our diverse cultures,
and to harvest the visions, innovations and contributions
of Earth Citizens and transformative organisations worldwide
to shape our shared future.

initiated and stewarded
by the Home for Humanity movement for planetary regeneration,
together with global partner organisations, jointly committed to planetary regeneration.

A journey initiated by the Home for Humanity
transcultural movement for planetary regeneration,
comprising our ever-growing alliance of local Homes for Humanity
pioneering integral transformation across on all continents
A journey of collaboration
with multiple global movements and organisations
working for a regenerative and inclusive future
A journey supported and accompanied by concerned Earth Citizens
of diverse ages, cultures and backgrounds in all countries.
A journey aligned with the emerging 'Holomovement'
of conscious collaboration for planetary transformation.

One Home Journey amplifies UN's Agenda 2030, Our Common Agenda, and the forthcoming Pact of the Future by:

1) Enabling Earth Citizens:
Ensuring that 'we the peoples' in each country, of all ages & backgrounds, genuinely shape our common future, with their visions, innovations and commitments for a regenerative future for all life.
2) Harvesting Cultural Wisdom:
Ensuring that the Indigenous and endogenous genius of each culture, their crisis resilience, local knowledge generation, creativity and arts, inspire and guide our efforts to safeguard future generations.
3) Pioneering 'Homes for Humanity':
Accelerating the achievement of global goals (both SDGs & IDGs- inner development goals) and systemic transformation through the exponential ripple effect of integral Homes for Humanity in each country, connected across continents.

A Journey of Partnership and Collaboration
for Exponential Impact
Collectively Ensuring the Well-Being of all Life
The One Home Journey is initiated by the Home for Humanity movement for human flourishing and planetary regeneration
in close partnership and collaboration with diverse civic movements, alliances and organisations who share a similar purpose,
and who feel called to co-create or collaborate in this journey.
Through this collaboration, we will multiply our beneficial impact for people and planet, and accelerate our joint realisation of our shared vision of an inclusive and regenerative future for all life
on our One Home Earth.
We have already received the wholehearted enthusiasm, support and offer of collaboration from several of our long-standing collaborators as well as newly encountered organisations with resonant missions.
In Synergy with:
What does Collaboration or Partnership Involve?
Any or all of the following and anything else that seems relevant to your particular case
"Travelling together":Your logo, mission, unique contribution and impact to creating an inclusive and regenerative future will be featured on all One Home Journey media and public material, to inspire and inform audiences, both globally/virtually and in each country
Building on each other: We draw on the expertise and inputs of members of your network in each country, and invite their contributions to the programmes in each country.
Co-Accreditation: We explore potential co-accreditation of our One Home Journey programmes, such as the Earth Citizens' PhD : Planetary Healing Degree.
Increasing Collective Reach: We jointly disseminate media and social media news, updates and accomplishments throughout the journey, to inspire wider global audiences to become engaged future-builders; we respond with collective intelligence to emerging crises to ensure the well-being of all life.
'Making the Impossible Possible' - Showcasing Breakthroughs despite Planetary Crisis: We mutually spotlight accomplishments and milestones, especially on special international days.
Multiplying Impact and Accelerating the Fulfillment of our Shared Purpose: Through our collaboration, we can exponentially increase our collective benefit for people and planet, AND we can achieve our common purpose of a regenerative inclusive future for all, more rapidly and deeply.

Becoming part of the Journey

to make your unique contribution
to the unstoppable ripple effect
of our collective movement for human and planetary regeneration!