Our Earth home is on fire. Human civilisation needs transformation.
Our future depends on our humanity ... and the call of our time is to come home!
Home for Humanity
is an inclusive movement for planetary regeneration.
We activate the power of our homes to pioneer regenerative futures.
Together, we strive to transform our divided world
into a united, inclusive, regenerative, just and peaceful home
for humanity and the diversity of life on Earth.
Earth citizen by Earth citizen, home to home, culture by culture, and country by country,
we can co-create Home on Earth.

How on Earth do we Co-Create Home on Earth?
We catalyse the power of Home
... of the INNER HOME of our humanity,
to fulfil our unique purpose and potential
as agents of transformation.
... of the LOCAL HOMES we live and work in,
to make them integral pioneers
of personal, local and societal regeneration.
... to serve the one EARTH HOME we share,
drawing on the wisdom and innovations
of every geography, culture and country
to shape together an inclusive and regenerative future
for the indivisible family of life on Earth.
This is the transformative work of the
Home for Humanity Movement for Planetary Regeneration, active locally and globally, on all continents.

"Join the single most important movement in present human history!"
Prof. Jean Houston, world famous visionary, Co-Chair, Home for Humanity

Read: "A planetary journey to the rescue of the 2030 Agenda"
In UNtoday magazine Dec 2023 - Jan 2024

We are:
A Movement of Homes for Humanity organisations
grounded in their local cultures, collaborating across all continents,
whose members pioneer inclusive, innovative and transformative solutions
for their communities and for the Earth.
A Planetary Collaborative of global Civil Society Organisations
partnering in the One Home Journey and One Home UnivEARTHsity,
initiated by the Home for Humanity movement,
to build together a regenerative future for all life on Earth.


Join this collective future building expedition to all countries on Earth,
initiated by the Home for Humanity Movement,
in collaboration with over 15 outstanding Global Civil Society Organisations

Become a Co-Creator of the
One Home UnivEARTHsity for regenerative future building
built, on the go, during the One Home Journey.

Join our Gifting Culture
Unleash the Collective and Creative Power
of our shared Humanity for our one Earth Home
Enjoy the exhilarating One Home Anthem
featuring Homes for Humanity pioneers worldwide,
composed, performed and produced by the outstanding musician-activist Tatiana Speed
Tatiana gifted this song to the world to support the One Home Journey,
and to nurture Home for Humanity’s culture of gifting for shared abundance.
Be inspired by theHome for Humanity Movie
"How on Earthdo we Co-Create Home on Earth?"

This extraordinary film offers a poetic, poignant, and enlivening experience of how pioneering Homes for Humanity worldwide are transforming crises to create the future. This exquisite movie is a gift of love and appreciation by multiple award-winning film maker Dr. Eda Elif Tibet, based on her personal transformative experience since 2015 with the Home for Humanity movement.
If you feel called,
make your unique gift
to build our shared Home on Earth.

The Humanity Charter
Our work is grounded in the integral vision, philosophy and practice expressed in the Humanity Charter.
The Charter, affirming the interconnected wholeness of life, was co-crafted by hundreds of changemakers of diverse cultures, backgrounds and ages. It was adopted on International Peace Day 2019.
Photo Gallery: A Glimpse into our Exemplary Homes for Humanity and Global Activities