In this second and highly invigorating Session of Home for Humanity’s Course Journey “Unleashing the Power of Homes to Pioneer Planetary Regeneration”, participants immersed themselves in the Integral Kumusha, the exemplary Home for Humanity in the rural Buhera District of Zimbabwe. Co-founded by Dr. Daud and Christina Taranhike, the Integral Kumusha (kumusha meaning “homestead” in Shona) has become an acclaimed national role model, featuring a special emphasis on Ubuntu-based Community-Empowerment, the Regeneration of Rural Livelihoods and a legacy (nhaka in shona) driven approach to community economics called “Nhakanomics”. Participants were thrilled with the power, authenticity, depth, and practicality of Christina and Daud’s sharing – and the ingenuity with which their homestead integrates and balances an ecological, cultural, educational, and ecological perspective, altogether deeply infused by African spirit, the philosophy of Ubuntu and Shona values and heritage. Nilima Bhat, Founder of Shakti Leadership from India commented on the Integral Kumusha: “Simply incredible. You are walking the talk. Showing the rest of the world that this is possible”. And Irene Banda, CEO of TUCUZA from Zambia applauded the envisioned expansion of the Integral Kumusha to SADC (Southern African Development Community): “Very inspirational. Glad you are thinking of moving into Africa. We are keen to be part of that movement from Zambia.”

Enjoy further insights from participants:
“The presentation was world-class! One could feel the passion and pride in the work being done by Dr. Daud Taranhike and his wife Christina Taranhike, Mai Chimuti. Their work brings back the lost hope and changes the perspective by which we view rural areas – a promising future of improved livelihoods and self-sustainability. Climate-smart agriculture, organic soil management, healthy eating, impacting livelihoods, and protecting our beautiful earth. My assessment is, they transformed a ‘house’ into a ‘home’, where the universal languages are love and leadership. … Their presentation gave me a blueprint for my own endeavors: Musha Wedu (Our Home). The Integral Kumusha is living proof that it is, indeed, doable for young people to take on a leadership role in transforming those areas that brought us here, decongesting the urban areas, promoting healthy living, and protecting our culture in the process. A home, a farm, a factory, and a recreational center at the same time. I am so motivated to take this initiative.” by Takudzwa LeeMarvin Charakupa (Zimbabwe), GZU Mphil student
“The presentation by Dr. Daud and Christina Taranhike focused on Ubuntu-based Community-Empowerment and Regeneration of Rural Livelihoods. Activities at Integral Kumusha include the raring of goats, poultry, apiary, fruit trees, horticulture, and field crop production, employing up to 60 people daily during peak times. Of significance to note is the value addition: while garlic and ginger have for example been used to produce a juice, tomatoes were dried or turned into a paste. It is very important to note that all crop production at Integral Kumusha is being done organically, using vermicompost, which significantly contributes to soil regeneration. Using only solar energy as a renewable source of electricity and harvesting roof rainwater for drip irrigation, are two more ways in which Dr. Daud and Christina Taranhike use science and technology to contribute to earthly regeneration. Plans to establish a Nhakanomics Centre were also discussed. … After the presentation, I realized how proper planning can transform a rural home into a sustainable and environmentally friendly business entity while contributing to earth regeneration. There is no doubt that Integral Kumusha is a very important model rural home which plays a significant role as an education place where people can learn and experience real life things helping in preserving the earth, thereby contributing to its regeneration.”
by Amon Manyanga (Zimbabwe), Great Zimbabwe University Student

“A presentation that changed my perception of life in the impoverished Buhera district of Zimbabwe. The presentation was full of life, tangible examples and facts. Buhera is an arid area found in farming regions 4 and 5 with very little and erratic rainfall. The majority of people in this area hardly have good harvests. The Integral Kumusha is a profound project, which was started by a connection of two different personalities who decided to work together towards a common goal. The project emphasizes that it is the understanding of one’s culture that creates the foundation for transformation. It is the understanding and acknowledgment of indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) that can help any project flourish. The presentation also concretized the notion that if you work as a team it becomes easier and faster to realize success and more returns. … There are many lessons that I learned from the Integral Kumusha presentation. As a person from Buhera, I am planning to start my own project that will sustain my family for generations to come. I learned that our customs, values, and cultural heritage in general (Ubuntu epistemology), are a very good and firm foundation for any sustainable project or initiative in Buhera and Africa in general. Furthermore, I am now convinced that prosperity can best be measured by the impact on society and legacy for future generations. I want to use what is surrounding me to make a difference in my community before importing from other communities.” by Takudzwa Muronda (Zimbabwe), Dance and Music Anthropologist (Ethno-choreo-musicologist)

“The presentation by Dr. Daud and Christina Taranhike was profound and full of educative and befitting ideas. It showcased a vision that can transform and prosper rural Zimbabwe households as well as the entire African continent and the whole World. From the rich Integral Kumusha logo and the ‘Mai Chimuti Brand’, which was down to earth, every part of the presentation resonated very well with the mission to eradicate the traumas of poverty, hunger, and the marginalisation of rural communities. Integral Kumusha has the potential to positively impact the world’s rural communities. … The Integral Kumusha presentation of their ‘Mai Chimuti Brand’, as shared by Christina, stole not only our hearts but our Ubuntu hearts. It is in conjunction with this brand that, there is a shona cultural value or idiom that says, ‘At the centre of each homestead there is a woman; ‘Musha Mukadzi’’ or synonymously, ‘Behind any successful man there is a woman’. These two idioms make the brand, ‘Mai Chimuti’ a “take home”. Without being blunt, it is difficult to kickstart a viable rural homestead if roles are not defined. I have learned a great deal about the powerful role of women or housewives from the ‘Mai Chimuti Brand’. Henceforth, I hope this branding will help our initiative, in clearly defining our rural homestead roles. With the help of my own Mai Chimuti (my spouse) in our own initiative we can also impact humanity so that it rises in unity.”
by Patrick Chiramu (Zimbabwe), Catholic University of Zimbabwe
Wonderful . This is a game changer, there is need to revolutionarize our approach to rural life making adjustments necessary to make life in the rural life better and even attractive to those who have fled the villages for the cities . This has the power to initiate an Urban to rural migration and to create demographic balance that can kick start economic development in rural Zimbabwe