Protecterra / The Farm has been founded as an integral farm by Conservation Biologist and Spiritual Ecologist Pooja Bhale and is focussed on supporting all life through awareness, education and outreach – with a particular focus on ecological awareness education for children.
It was good fortune that Home for Humanity’s co-founders Alexander Schieffer and Rama Mani could be present for the launch, together with Home for Humanity Founding Family member Dr. Eda Elif Tibet (Filmmaker and Co-Host of Home for Humanity Bern).

The beautifully crafted launch event, with over 150 guests, acknowledged the outstanding achievements of Protecterra / The Farm on the three levels of "inner home", local home and Earth home - having impacted a large number of aspiring change makers (in particular children) in India and beyond.
In Pooja Bhale’s own words: "For The Farm by Protecterra to become a Home for Humanity … is so much more than global recognition of our work. It is a testament to a new awareness, co-created upon the foundations of love, compassion and empathy. To be a part of a global community that embodies collective change towards planetary wellbeing is a responsibility we value and honour deeply"
Divyanshu Ganatra, a diversity and inclusion expert and internationally renowned
leadership speaker, had this to comment on the event: “It was such a wonderful evening with amazing people full of empathy and compassion, ready to make a difference, wanting to make this planet, our home, a home for everybody – that is inclusive. It was a beautiful event to witness and experience – and it was such a proud moment to see my friend Pooja Bhale’s organisation being now part of the Home for Humanity Community. I believe this needs to spread. We need many many Homes for Humanity – so that, hopefully, one day, our planet Earth becomes a true Home for Humanity.”
Congratulations to Pooja Bhale and the entire community of co-creators and supporters of The Farm and Protecterra.

Enjoy the short video and a few pics of the launch!