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15 March 2021: Living Curriculum #8 with Thais Corral – Founder of Sinal do Vale

As part of our living curriculum series, an inspiring weekly series of Interviews with PIONEERS OF TRANSFORMATION FROM 5 CONTINENTS engaged in co-creating a Just and Regenerative Earth Civilization, we launch an interview with GLOBAL PIONEER addressing regeneration and the power of place.

Thais Corral is a pioneering environmentalist, social innovator, ecologist and women’s leader. She is the founder of Sinal do Vale, a Brazilian integral organisation located near Rio de Janeiro, in the Mata Atlantica, which serves as a regeneration campus for individuals, ecosystems and communities. Thais Corral is also the co-founder of WEDO - Women’s Environment and Development Organisation – together with Nobel Peace Laureate Wangari Maathai and other eminent women leaders.

In this conversation, Thais Corral speaks to us about the transformative power of place, and the urgent need for ‘relocalisation’ that COVID has intensified. She brings to light how nature-based solutions enable us to learn from the inherent abundance and resilience in nature, and the need to return to the rhythms of nature, and the rhythm of our own bodies.

We warmly invite you to see the whole conversation with Thais Corral here:

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