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12 May 2024: Earth Ambassadors First "Round-the-Earth-Table" to Pioneer the Future

Updated: Jul 12, 2024

This was the first Earth Ambassadors meeting after the inauguration

of the One Home Journey in April. We witnessed a truly inspiring, mutually supportive space between changemakers involved in the regeneration of the planet.

Each Earth Ambassador presented her/his commitment to contribute to the seven-year One Home Journey and their progress with the common cause. Tune into some of these most original voices:

"I want to give back to the community the light it has given me in the most difficult moments. Transforming pain into social development,"

said Brandon Villa from Mexico, our youngest member

and leader of tomorrow.

At the other end of the spectrum, Cyril Ritchie, the most senior member, originally from Ireland, after years of chairing international development institutional forums, showed his enthusiasm for the potential of the One Home Journey. Because it’s time for non-formal diplomacy and networked collaboration between local communities.

Marie-Claire Graf from Switzerland was very much aligned with this idea. She argued that one of the greatest contributions she can make as an ambassador is to add the knowledge and movement of her local chapter to the common Home for Humanity narrative.

It is worth mentioning the role of the ambassadors in designing the agenda and the projects to interact with during the One Home Journey. In the short term Thania Paffenholz from Kenya, Ozioma Egwuonwu from Nigeria, Mohamed El Mongy from Egypt and Earth Voyater Evelin Lindner from the World Dignity University Initiative will be very involved in this. It is certainly a source of great pride to have so many African representatives on the committee!

With regard to external communication, Marjolein Nagel from The Netherlands and Peter Blaze from USA/Australia expressed their special support to communicate the events that are already happening around the project. This will be a crucial pillar to raise awareness of the movement.

The importance of recovering ancestral knowledge and new forms of collective leadership were also named. It’s about the indigenous change, where the natural laws will be embedded explained Indigenous Wisdom Keeper Erin Dixon from Canada. 

Many people from the entire Home for Humanity network have already worked under this guideline, like Aleka Vial from Hypatia Foundation in Chile. Also Kate Cacciatore, UK, who commented “This new reality will be built by helping people to connect to these deeper values and through ecosystem investment".

One of the biggest challenges to be tackled together during this seven-year journey is to contribute to a planet that is in

a climate emergency and has enormous educational needs.

In the words of Axel Gegenschatz from Argentina: "UnivEARTHsity is something big in this context" and we are indeed strongly convinced of the huge role it is going to have.

All of us during the session witnessed the turning point that came out of that exchange. Many nationalities, initiatives and people united by a genuine desire for social change.

As Paulina Jantos from Berlin concluded We are roots connected, already present in our circle of influence”, while nurturing a joint entity that has no limits. Fasten your seat belts, this journey has only just begun!

Meet all our outstanding Earth Ambassadors:

reported by Carmen Vázquez de Castro, Barcelona

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