From April 1 to 3, Home for Humanity did a short “small group” (Covid safe) Humanity Quest at Home for Humanity. The small group of six Questers joined from Italy, Turkey, Kurdistan, Argentina, India/France, as well as Germany/Ghana/Uganda. This quest was special as it had a double focus: firstly, each person went on a unique inner and outer journey, exploring his or her transformative potential and possible contribution to society; secondly, jointly we worked on strengthening the foundation for the large-scale Humanity Quest programme, that Home for Humanity is launching in the near future.

Here is a personal testimony from Ama Nyarko-Jones, a bridgebuilder between Europe and Africa, on the Humanity Quest:
“Over Easter 2021, along with five other young agents of transformation I was invited to Home for Humanity to embark on a mini-Humanity Quest. The Humanity Quest is a transformative living-learning journey, where the participants discover the full potential of their humanity. Questers go on a journey through the beautiful landscape of Home for Humanity. Each station connects the questers with one of the integral worlds – from inner center to nature, to culture, education and systems – culminating in a personal manifesto to which participants commit and declare creatively. … I find it hard to verbalize the feelings, emotions and thoughts I had during my time at Home for Humanity. Embarking on such a transformative journey always takes some time to fully sink in. Nevertheless, I can say that the quest gradually reconnected me with my inner calling and left me feeling empowered and surprised about my hidden strength. I learned once more to deeply listen to the implicit and explicit wisdom mother nature and my fellow questers shared with me and could feel an enormous healing potential. Thanks to the Humanity Quest, I am now even more inspired and determined to contribute to bringing about the healing of self, community, education and nature.”
