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1 October 2022: Prelude to Course Journey - Home for Humanity Movie at the ETHNOKINO Film Festival

Updated: Dec 19, 2022

We kicked off this extraordinary Course Journey “Unleashing the Power of Homes to Pioneer Planetary Regeneration” with a prelude session from the ETHNOKINO Film Festival in Bern, Switzerland. We are overjoyed with the highly accomplished, motivated, and diverse group of participants joining this transformative, life-based co-learning journey.

Together, the participants watched the premiere of the Home for Humanity film made by the award-winning film maker and visual anthropologist Dr. Eda Elif Tibet (Turkey) and Cihan Elci (Kurdistan).

Several of the course participants were on site for the screening of the film at the remarkable ETHNOKINO Film Festival in Bern where the vibe was vibrant, loving, and inclusive and many others joined online from around the world.

We were deeply inspired to take off on this shared course journey by this beautifully made movie that invoked a strong feeling of the power of homes and a renewed sense of what is possible when we boldly imagine the future and enact it together in new, innovative, collaborative, and integral ways.

The viewing was followed by a vision talk on the topic: “Belonging to an Earth Family” with Dr. Rama Mani, Prof. Alexander Schieffer, Dr. Gary Martin, Pius Leutenegger, and Cihan Elci, moderated by Dr. Eda Elif Tibet. To conclude, everyone in the Home for Humanity Earth Family that were on site, joined the stage to share a word of what home means to them and the online participants shared the same in the zoom call.

It was truly a wonderful start for the journey, learnings and co-creations that lie ahead.

Muziwanele Thando Ngwenya, young creative and visual artist from Zimbabwe commented during the Session: “I love the emphasis on the Education aspect because once that industry of life is adjusted to fit the changes required for a progressive and regenerative future for all life, that is just the greatest start to Co-Creating Home on Earth!”

Immerse in how another Course participant experienced this invigorating Prelude Session:

“My name is Mohamed ElBanby. I'm 24 years old from Egypt and member of "The Egyptian Genius Innovation Community".

I have a dream of creating an integral community, a community dominated by love of work, cooperation, and positive initiatives. A community that inspires individuals, supports young people and gives hope to children that tomorrow will be better for us.

For me the Course Journey from Home for Humanity is like the maturation of a child in its mother's womb, I will bring my project to the journey and feed it with diverse ideas and cultures until it is mature and ready to be born. And at that point… I will be ready to create it and bring my dream -child- into life.

The screening of the Home for Humanity movie was very touching and inspiring and I want to thank all of you and all the people who have participated in it. I really loved the conversations, it was truly heart-touching. And the music was very beautiful and emotional, with the movement of the growing plants… that was just perfect. I felt like it was a calling for love, intimacy, solidarity, and peace.

Thank you for growing this feeling inside us.”

by Mohamed ElBanby (Egypt), Egyptian Genius Innovation Community

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