Today, on Saturday, 1 May 2021, Home for Humanity’s Earth Alliance honours PAX HERBALS, an integral enterprise-in-community, as an exemplary Home for Humanity organization. Pax Herbals uniquely taps into the ecological, cultural, educational-technological, economic, and spiritual GENE-ius of Nigeria and Africa, in contributing towards making the world a Home for all. #paxherbals#nigeria#homesforhumanity
The launch became a spectacular presentation of Pax Herbals as an Integral Enterprise - illustrating masterfully all integral dimensions. Five skilled teams of Pax Herbals introduced creatively and artfully the ecological, cultural, educational-technological, economic and spiritual dimension of Pax Herbals, making it a potent educational and practice showcase for Africa and the world.
Participants of the launch came from around the world, and included, among many others also H.E. Wisdom Aminu, Former Nigerian Ambassador to ECOWAS, Nigeria/Canada and H.E. Kojo Yankah, Former Minister of State and Member of Parliament, Ghana; Founder of the African Heritage Centre in Accra.
After the launch a number of prominent voices sent feedback on this memorable event. Here are few of these comments, capturing the essence of the launch of Pax Herbals becoming a Home for Humanity:
“The launches of the various homes for humanity (H4H) that I have been privileged to witness have shattered my understanding of home. They have liberated the concept from the visible structural confines and comforts we usually associate with the word home. Each time a new H4H is presented to us, I am reminded that word human comes from the Latin “humus” meaning earth or ground, the final abode of all of us common mortals. I am also reminded and that in gardening it refers to the components of the soil that are rich in organic matter. I now also understand why “unity” is embedded in the word “humanity”. It refers to the symbiosis between humans and nature, between humans and all living systems, including plants. The story of Pax Herbals reminds us that plants are not mere crops to be harvested for medicinal purposes but as co-creators of the sustainable planet we all desperately need.”
Dr. Youssef Mahmoud, former UN Under Secretary-General, Tunisia; Co-Chair Home for Humanity Unity Circle
“It’s truly inspirational seeing Home for Humanity touching all four worlds and being beautifully embedded into Africa from Nigeria to Zimbabwe to Egypt. Dr Anselm Adodo and his team took us on a journey of integrating and preserving the assets of Nigeria through culture, community, nature, education, spirituality and humanity building a legacy for the future generations of Nigeria and Africa.”
Dr. Premie Naicker, Founder, GreenSkills Consulting, South Africa; Home for Humanity Pioneer-Lead
“Pax Herbal’s masterful community earth dance opening was a joy to begin with. Uplifting all of us beyond hope, all the conversations and enactments resonated pure healing at times much needed. Learning about the story of such a holistic and integral enterprise is truly a remedy itself to the disconnection of our soul mind and body. Teleported to Nigeria for the time we spent in the launch event, we experienced humanity in its full unity.”
Dr. Elif Tibet, Institute of Geography, University Bern; Award-Winning Visual Anthropologist & Filmmaker; Co-Founder H4H Association, Switzerland/Turkey