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8 March 2021: Launch of the Home for Humanity in Jerusalem, Palestine


We are proud to share that we launched the home of Zahira Kamal and her family as the first Home for Humanity in Jerusalem, Palestine. As part of 'HOMES FOR HUMANITY' Programme, we honour this exemplary landmark family home in Palestine which epitomizes a true ‘Home for Humanity’, by catalysing societal transformation, and embodying the values of humanity in unity for over 50 years.

We do so on International Women’s Day, to recognise the outstanding contribution made by Zahira Kamal’s family home to women’s rights and leadership, in Palestine, regionally and globally.

You are warmly invited to see the recording of the fascinating launch programme which brings together members of the Kamal family with distinguished keynote speakers, sharing testimonies of their transformative action and the impact this family home had on their life and work as women leaders and societal changemakers here:

As part of our A LIVING CURRICULUM series, Zahira Kamal spoke to us about WOMEN POWER: A CREATIVE FORCE FOR FREEDOM. You can find the video on our Youtube Channel!

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