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29 January 2023: Graduation of 54 Pioneers of Planetary Regeneration

Rise of a New Dawn. The Home for Humanity planetary movement and the world celebrated the graduation of the pioneer badge for the online course journey UNLEASHING THE POWER OF HOMES FOR PLANETARY REGENERATION held from the 1st October 2022 to the 29th January 2023.

The 54 Graduates from 33 countries impressed through their impact-driven initiatives, among which: six newly initiated Homes for Humanity; three existing organizations reshaped integrally to become Homes for Humanity; expansion of two exemplary Homes for Humanity; about 10 upcoming new Homes for Humanity, launched in the coming months.

Participants range from aspiring change makers and young activists to influential leaders of transnational organizations and grassroots movements from every continent of the world. The course-journey was co-accredited by ten exemplary Homes for Humanity from all continents.

The graduates were congratulated in remarkable keynote speeches by Prof. Jean Houston, founder of the Social Artistry Movement, and Dr. Youssef Mahmoud, former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations.

More than just a graduation ceremony, this set of integral leaders and future builders is pushing towards co-creating a new global regenerative paradigm as engaging earth citizens for integral transformation.

In the words of Ms. Linda Leogah, a co-course participant and initiator of the Integral Lewaah Revolution Cameroon: “Given how culturally diverse my community in Cameroon is I wasn't sure how to design an all-inclusive approach that targets drug trafficking and abuse, as I wanted to redress my conflict-afflicted community. But with the course directors’ and fellow participants’ support during the course journey, I feel empowered to take on the task – and have initiated, together with my community, a local Home for Humanity.”

In the weeks to come we shall be sharing some of the new transformative initiatives, such as Linda Leogah’s from Cameroon, that have arisen through this course journey. Stay tuned.

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