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27 May 2022: Maysoon Pachachi, Iraq-UK, featured in Pioneering Pathways Series

It is with great joy that we share today the video of renowned filmmaker Maysoon Pachachi, founder of Oxymoron Films (and co-founder of Home for Humanity London), whose imaginative, collaborative, and creative vision for the world is powerfully expressed in her most recent film "Our River .... Our Sky". This incredibly "moving movie" has just been screened at an international Film Festival at the Cinema Lumières in Lyon, France, the oldest cinema in the world. The film takes us back to the dramatic wartime in Baghdad in 2006 showing how people of diverse walks of life "imagine - collaborate - create" and work towards a better future - literally against all odds.


“We will need to think together, deeply, about our history and how we got to this place of destructive hierarchy, to understand more clearly what we, together, need and can do to change the paradigm. The system we’re living in divides us from each other. Us and Them. But, actually, we are all strangers, together, in this world, and we need to defy this murderous fragmentation.

Making films has taught me about collaborative work, which is best when each person brings something of themselves and their particular talent to the mix, rather than just following orders. This is a model of the kind of work we will need. Collaboration. Making documentaries, I have learned to listen carefully and watch closely, as I try to intuit what is beneath the surface. When people tell me their stories, they’re giving me a precious gift and they do that when they feel they can trust me and understand that they, in turn, can ask me anything they want. We need to share our stories, equally, and to see ourselves in others.

Creativity allows us to find our particular voice, to develop our sense of agency, and to imagine something different. To unearth and practice this capability individually and collectively is essential for finding our way. We need to make space for this.”

Maysoon Pachachi

Founder, Oxymoron Films


Home for Humanity London

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