Home for Humanity’s co-founders followed an invitation to an extraordinary convention in Sedona, Arizona, USA: a gathering of social change agents and organisations, concerned with laying the foundations for a “movement of movements”, a unifying vision for planetary collaboration called the Holomovement.
Under the inspirational stewardship of Emanual Kuntzelmann, co-founder, together with his wife Laura Rose, of Purpose Earth, – about 80 leaders from across the planet convened for three days of intense co-creation, exploring key foundational dimensions of the future Holomovement, in an interconnected way.
The meeting was co-hosted by Purpose Earth and the Source of Synergy Foundation in association with the Academy for Future Science, Foundation for the Future, Light on Light, Spiritual Live TV Channel and Evolutionary Leaders Synergy Circles.
The outcome was glorious, in that an extraordinary commitment and clarity emerged within the group towards staying actively engaged in the built-up of the Holomovement.
Home for Humanity (Rama and Alexander) were invited to conduct the closing ceremony - which chrystalized the “energy of ignition” that was connecting all participants, as we “IGNITED THE HOLOMOVEMENT” altogether in the crescendo of the closing ceremony.
Home for Humanity, and the forthcoming One Home Journey, are proud to partner with the Holomovement in the years to come, in weaving a connecting thread in between movements around the world, committed to a “whole life” perspective and to bringing humanity together anew, with a view to co-creating a common future, with all forms of life.