What a way to kick-off 2021!
Over 20 members of Home for Humanity's Global Humanity Team came together for a full day strategy session on a snowy day to brainstorm on the exciting priorities for this new year. Joining from Egypt, Tunisia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Syria, Germany, Italy, France and Switzerland, the team members brought their fullest energy to the task.
Two main focus areas identified by Team members to develop over the coming weeks, to set a firm foundation for all Home for Humanity's Programmes are:
a) The development of a regenerative funding strategy allowing Home for Humanity to develop ever more in a fully integral enterprise, collaborating with carefully selected partners and setting strong foundations for an increased scale of impact.
b) Creative ways to bring the incredible voices, visions, ideas and initiatives that live in each one of us, and that are surfaced continually through each of our six programmes to the wider world, through the development of an interactive communications strategy across all our newly launched social media channels.
A highlight of the meeting was the alignment of the motivations of all team members to contribute to the manifestation of Home for Humanity’s vision. When asked about what Home for Humanity means to them, here are some answers we heard:
- “collectively joining forces so that we together can create the fire of positive change-making.”
- “Home for Humanity gives me a sense of belonging I can’t find elsewhere.”
- “Home for Humanity allows me to keep my light and passion ignited.”
- “Here we can manifest our ideas together, distribute our seeds and grow together.”
- “Home for Humanity inspired me to follow my calling and this is what I want to contribute to others.”
- “For me, Home for Humanity is also about reconnecting with nature and healing through it.”
This exercise brought beautiful smiles on everyone’s face and perfectly set the tone for 2021, which will entail a great number of fascinating events on our way to “co-create Home on Earth”.
We’re beyond excited to get going, are you too?
Post authored by Marc L'Eplattenier
Home for Humanity Fellow and Team Member of the Humanity Team