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14 March 2023: Tibetan Children's Village (TCV) receives 'Home for Humanity Recognition Award'

Updated: Jul 28, 2023

In an extraordinary ceremony, in front of the entire school assembly of over 1000 children and teachers, the pathbreaking Tibetan Children’s Village was honoured as an outstanding Home for Humanity.

Initiated in 1960 by His Holiness The Dalai Lama, and led for decades by his sister Jetsun Pema, Tibetan Children’s Village, Dharamsala, is a pioneering showcase of a school, serving as a home in exile for thousands of kids.

Under the leadership of Lobsang Tomo (Secretary General, Communications), Tsultrim Dorjee (School Director), Wang Chuk (Headmaster), as well as many other teachers and school captains, the Award Ceremony was a moving event, filled with speeches, music, prayer, and joy.

Home for Humanity, represented by its co-founders Alexander and Rama, as well as Dr Eda Elif Tibet (award-winning filmmaker) and Dr. Meera Seethi (special adviser of Home for Humanity), introduced the vision, mission and global impact of the Home for Humanity movement around the globe, in a creative, interactive and multi-cultural way.

The afternoon was filled with two highly interactive sessions with large students groups – during which students shared their visions and commitments for a regenerative and inclusive future for all life on Earth.

In these sessions, students demonstrated their deep-rootedness in Tibetan culture, and their profound dedication to their school which for many of them is the only family they know. The vision statements of the students as future Earth Citizens were breath-taking, in their maturity, visionary scope and commitment.

One of the sessions was joined, from New York via Zoom, by Dr. Youssef Mahmoud, Co-Chair of Home for Humanity and a former Under Secretary-General of the United Nations. Youssef shared at the end of the session his deep admiration for the visions of the students, and for the teachers who provide such a conducive, nourishing and grounded learning-and-living environment.

Dr. Youssef Mahmoud:

“If the visions and commitments for future contributions, shared by the young students of TCV, were shared by humanity at large, we could all look forward to a bright future.”

WATCH THE VIDEO (Tibetan Children's Village (TCV), Dharamsala, receives 'Home for Humanity Recognition Award') -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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