Enjoy this scintillating visual journey to all Exemplary Homes for Humanity across all continents featured in our transformative Course-Journey “Unleashing the Power of Homes to Pioneer Planetary Regeneration”, hosted by the Homes for Humanity Movement, from 1 October to 29 January 2023.
This Diaporama presents all the Exemplary Homes for Humanity featured in this Course that jointly co-accredited this course-journey, resulting in 54 Graduates from 33 countries – with remarkable impact-driven initiatives.
Pops Mohamed
The video is set to the song, "How far we have come", composed and performed by legendary Afro-Jazz musician Pops Mohamed from South Africa – who was awarded in December 2022 the EARTH ARTIST award by Home for Humanity
Kindly use the LINK to watch the Video: “Unleashing the Power of Homes for Planetary Regeneration”