Nancy Roof
Founding President of Kosmos Associates Inc.
"Home for Humanity’s One Home Journey is one of the most innovative and exciting experiences for expanding our care and concern for all humanity.
I walk beside you on every step of this incredible journey.”
(Nancy Roof, 2023)
Nancy Roof, Ph.D. is Founder and Editor Emeritus of the award-winning Kosmos Journal: Global Transformation in Harmony with all Life, based on evolving interior development and cultural values as they impact globalization and world community.
Nancy won the 2009 Images and Voices of Hope award for journalism as a tool to inform, inspire and engage individual and collective participation in a global shift to higher-level thinking. In 2004, Kosmos was nominated by Utne for excellence. Her testimony on the human dimension of the United Nations was distributed to the US President and Congress. She addressed 184 governments at the UN conference on Social Development on values.
As a founder of Transpersonal Psychology (late 70s), she served as a spiritual guide to individuals for 20 years. In the late 80s, she began to define the field of global transformation at the United Nations, where she successfully lobbied for elevated global standards in international treaties and co-founded the Values Caucus (1994) and the Spiritual Caucus (2000).
Working with 78 international organizations in war zones for over two years, she recognized the traumatic effect of war, not only on military personnel, but on their families, communities and service providers. She then designed the first global training programs and workbook on secondary traumatic stress, implemented initially during the Balkan wars and now used internationally.
She is a founding member of the Global Commons Initiative, World Wisdom Council, Creating the New Civilization Initiative, 2020 Climate Leadership Campaign, Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute, WorldShift 2012 (Ervin Laszlo), Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment, a fellow of Findhorn, a Board member of Integral Review, Lifebridge Sanctuary, a member of the Research Advisory Board of Ethical Markets and Living Earth TV, and a speaker at Mikhail Gorbachev’s World Political Forum.
Her beloveds are three children, six grandchildren, three great grandchildren, and two very special dogs.