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Come To My Home



Driss Alaoui Mdaghri


Come To My Home


Peace-Building and Inclusion through Art

Number of People Impacted to-date (approx.)

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Inner Home:  Finding meaning and fulfilling purpose in service to community and society.

Opening our homes to strangers so that they may become friends and family through a lively cultural and social exchange.

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Local Home: Renewing community and culture through integral purpose-based initiatives/livelihoods.

Bridging the private and the public by providing a space for co-creation and lively cross-fertilisation.

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Earth  Home is:  Fuelling systems change and collectively co-creating ‘home on Earth’.

Making the world our common home, thereby mitigating issues of ownership and movement across the planet and other boundaries that still divide humanity today.

Short Profile

"Come To My Home" festivals nurture a culture of integrity and peace by bridging nationalities in artistic expression and creative collaboration. The core idea is that foreign guests should, wherever possible, stay with a family in the host country, so that they can experience the local culture from the inside out.

Integral Model to Whole-Systems Change

Integral Model Kumusha


The Come To My Home festivals offer spaces for deep listening, witnessing intercultural performances and experiencing co-creative processes together. It travels to different places, opening homes and hearts worldwide.


Since its launch in 2012, the format has travelled from various locations in Morocco to Italy, Senegal and Spain, offering its catalytic power to participants from diverse backgrounds and helping societies to transcend all forms of borders in a peaceful way.

Fields of Activity

Peace-Building, Community Empowerment, Earth Artistry

Find out more!

Get in touch!

Please contact us at Home for Humanity!

Visual Impressions

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