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1 July 2023: Youth 4 Switzerland – A Transformative Journey at Home for Humanity France

Youth 4 Switzerland at Home for Humanity France

Home for Humanity France hosted “Youth 4 Switzerland”, a group of 20 young Swiss Changemakers, for a transformative quest, supporting them in their personal and collective quest for actualising their personal and collective future building potential.

The key QUEST-ion, guiding the journey was: “How do I fulfil my purpose-passion-potential while making a meaningful contribution to the wellbeing of (my) self, Switzerland and all life on Earth?”

Together, we were touching upon the three levels of inner home (personal self), local home (contribution in one’s context) and Earth home. Participants were exposed to Transformative Poetry to “craft” their Inner Song or Purpose Poem, as a creative expression of their respective future vision. Grounded in the activation of the inner purpose, the group subsequently underwent a Theatre of Transformation process of exercises to step, more fully, into their individual and shared future vision and potential. The retreat culminated with a dynamic, transformative and joyful group performance, creatively enacting the personal and collective contribution by 2030.

For Home for Humanity France it was a joy to work with this group of young visionaries and activists – and furthermore, the shared experience was also highly relevant for the preparations of the One Home Journey, aiming to support Earth Citizens around the globe to strengthen their future building potential.

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